3 Best Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

2 Min Read

If you’re on a fat loss mission then it really is as simple as calories in vs calories out. You can switch up your training style, do more, or simply eat fewer calories to hit your weight goals, but what if you wanted to try and speed your metabolism a little more? Here’s 3 good ways to help you burn more calories on a day to day basis.

Protein PER Meal

When you eat food, your metabolism will raise a little in order to aid the digestion and usage of that food. This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). Protein causes the largest rise in TEF. Dietary protein requires 20-30% of its usable energy to be expended for metabolism, which is higher than carbs and fats, so make sure to get some good quality protein in each of your meals. Protein is also needed to help you to build more lean muscle…which leads us to our next point.

Train To Build Muscle

When you’re working out, lifting weights are not only awesome for getting stronger and building more muscle…but they can also help you to burn MORE fat on a daily basis. By building more lean muscle, your Basal Metabolic Rate will increase too. Your BMR accounts for about 60% of our body’s energy expenditure. A higher percentage of this energy comes from lean muscle mass than fat (1 pound of muscle requires six calories a day compared to 1 pound of fat which burns four calories a day). So don’t be afraid to hit the heavier weights too…your body will thank you later!

Put More Effort Into Sleeping Better

You’ll always hear us preach about how rest and recovery is just as important as the working out. A lack of sleep is linked to an increase in stored fat. It’s also been shown to affect your levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and leptin, a hormone that controls fullness (satiety). This explains why those who are sleep-deprived often feel hungry and may have difficulty losing weight. A bad nights sleep can decrease how your body metabolizes fat, so if you struggle…here’s a good blog we wrote to get better sleep.

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